Did Your Kids Come With An Instruction Manual?
Uncover Universal Strategies in Dr. Silverstein’s Insightful Guide!

The tough get going
Is there a challenge or block that you are faced with currently that deserves your full attention NOW so you can reach your potential? How about at work? In your career? At school? What about traumas from the past that present roadblocks for you today? Are you ready to let them go?
Learn Mindful Toughness® skillsets so that you can resolve these old issues and conflicts from the past to move on to your future. Can you think of an area in your life that could use improvement? What comes to mind? Perhaps it is time to participate in a supportive program that will guide you in moving forward.

Welcomes You to The Summit Center for Ideal Performance
Christine M. Silverstein is a clinical hypnotherapist and a peak performance coach. She is the director of The Summit Center for Ideal Performance, conveniently located in Bergen County New Jersey, about 20 miles west of New York City. Dr. Silverstein holds a doctorate in education (EdD) from Teachers College, Columbia University, a master’s degree in Public Administration from Long Island University, and is a graduate of The City College of New York School of Nursing (summa cum laude). She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education and Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. In 2018, she was inducted into the Columbia University Nursing Hall of Fame. Dr. Silverstein is an active member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.
Dr. Christine M. Silverstein Guest Commentator on LiveNOW from FOX
Helping Teens Process Their Grief, Dr. Christine Silverstein on PA Live
Integrative Form of Healing
At the Summit Center for Ideal Performance, Dr. Silverstein assists you to bypass your thinking mind and connect to your subconscious where your creativity and personal power reside. She uses a three-pronged approach in assisting you to reach your personal goals, by working holistically with body, mind, and spirit. Her approach is based on a Performance Model that high achievers use, rather than on a medical model that focuses on diagnosable conditions.
She provides you with the Mindful Toughness® tools you need to successfully unleash the power within yourself to conquer barriers, heal from traumas, and live a fuller, more rewarding life. Her programs teach you to review your ideas, behaviors, and emotions, and develop a strategy for success in all areas of your life.
Why Our Method is Different
We use a three-pronged approach in assisting you to reach your personal goals, by working holistically with body, mind, and spirit.
Coping skills are taught that are portable and can be implemented long after our private sessions are completed.
Our approach is based on a Performance Model that high achievers use, rather than on a medical model that focuses on diagnosable conditions.
We teach a “whole-brained approach,” using the attributes of the left- and right-brain so you can integrate strategy-building and Imagineering.
See and hear Dr. Silverstein explain her approach in detail for various issues.

Performance Model
Based on a Performance Model, you will find that our progressive programs are evidence-based and offer a wide variety of novel approaches, such as hypnotic relaxation techniques and mindfulness. These tools and techniques are geared to assist you in connecting with your own MindPower so you can learn to handle conflicts and challenging life events, in health, fertility, education, athletics, performing arts, and business.
Mission Statement
Our mission is based on this adage: “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give him the tools to fish and he eats for life.” At our Center, we are dedicated to empowering our clients to reach their ideal performances through comprehensive, holistic, and individualized programs that teach them the Mindful Toughness® skillsets to accomplish their goals.
We invite you to call 201-760-1600 TODAY for a free consultation with Dr. Christine Silverstein.
Your inquiries are appreciated, and we are ready to serve you!
Begins With the First Step
Our goal is to provide services to individuals and small groups through our unique programs. Use the power of your mind to reach your true potential.
Effective change can be accomplished in the introductory programs that consist of six-1.5 hour individual sessions. How much you actually achieve is really up to you. The portal is open to you. Call us NOW at 201-760-1600 for your free 15-minute consultation and begin your life changing journey.

Initial Consultation
Free confidential initial consultation. Contact us today to get started.

Peak Performance Counseling
I work with clients of all ages to aid them in reaching their peak performance for athletics, performing arts, business, education, and health. I specialize in working with children, teens, and young adults employing my program Winning Ways for Teens.

Peak Performance Counseling
Operation Heal is a unique program to help clients mentally prepare for and recover from medial procedures and surgery. By teaching self-hypnosis and Mindful Toughness® skillsets and employing cognitive behavioral techniques I help my clients to use their innate MindPower to get in the Healing Zone.
Client Testimonials
“Thank you so much for everything. I so appreciate your generosity with your time—It means a lot when I’m having such a hard time. I have so many wonderful tools you’ve given me. What I need to improve is allowing myself to stop where I am at times and do them (specifically, deep breathing)!”
Jeanne B.
“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for your workshop [Train to Regain for Stroke Recovery] that you presented at the NGH Convention. I have worked with one stroke [client] and now have another. Your workshop was so wonderfully presented. Thank you.”
Trudy Mardian
“I would like to thank you for taking the time to discuss your methods for enhancing performance. As one of the coaches of Bridgewater wrestling, I feel these techniques could provide some benefits to the kids in my program. I’ve told several parents in my program and there was some real interest.”
R. Noble
“She gave me an audio tape to reinforcing this imagery that I listened to twice a day for a month. I went back to the doctor, and he said the bone was now healing. The only way I can explain this is that the imagery worked. The mind and body are truly one. Thank you, Dr. Silverstein, from the bottom of my heart for helping me to save my leg and regain my life.”
Jeff S.
Hypnotherapist FAQs
Put your mind at ease. We have the answers to any questions you may have!
Can you tell me more about The Summit Center?
At the Summit Center for Ideal Performance, Dr. Silverstein assists you to bypass your thinking mind and connect to your subconscious where your creativity and personal power reside. She uses a three-pronged approach to assist you to reach your personal goals, by working holistically with body, mind, and spirit. Her approach is based on a Performance Model that high achievers use, rather than on a medical model that focuses on diagnosable conditions.
She provides you with the Mindful Toughness® tools you need to successfully unleash the power within yourself to conquer barriers, heal from traumas, and live a fuller, more rewarding life. Her programs teach you to review your ideas, behaviors, and emotions, and develop a strategy for success in all areas of your life.
What is hypnosis?
Despite popular misconceptions, hypnosis is a tool that allows a person to use more of their mind and to use it more effectively. Hypnosis is a state-of-the art tool for improving human performance. It is relaxed receptivity with increased perception, a state of deep relaxation that quiets the body and opens the mind to positive suggestions. Suggestions are received in a very relaxed and aware state to suspend the rational logical filters in the conscious mind that developed in response to the underlying causes of the issue at hand. Hypnosis removes the barriers and limitations we, as individuals, have placed on ourselves or allowed others to place on us so we can function more effectively. Any motivated person can learn visualization, positive self-talk, mental recall, relaxation, and breathing techniques and use them to overcome limitations to be successful.
Can you make me do things that humiliate me, are dishonest, or are opposed to my personal value system?
What are the components of a session with you?
At the beginning of the first session, we discuss the issues that motivated you to make your appointment. In our discussion, we crystallize the goals you would like to achieve, and we develop a plan to achieve them. The session culminates with a hypnosis experience to begin the amazing and fulfilling process of using the power of your mind to achieve success.