Train To Regain: Holistic Stroke Recovery

The Need

A stroke can be a devastating experience for people who survive it and for family members. Part of the challenge, aside from the physical and mental deficits related to the stroke, is that there are no set or definitive ways to regain function after a stroke.

Don Mottin, a clinical hypnotherapist, experienced a stroke in his forties. When Dr. Silverstein interviewed him in 2002 about the stroke, he stated that the most frustration resulted from the fact that his “team” of professionals did not include him in the goal-setting plan. He wanted to know, more than anything else, what he could do to recover faster and to improve function. No member of the staff had answers for him nor could they give him a timeframe in which to work at his own pace.

A person might have physical, occupational, and speech therapies, that traditionally assist patients towards recovery. Of course, these therapies can help to deal with the physical aspects of the stroke. But there are no guarantees and little direction for what you can do personally to help yourself, thus adding to your confusion.

Man performing exercises with a women in the background seeming to coach.
Woman with a walking stick on a walking path

According to Johnny Seitz ( Stroke Connection, May/June, 2006), the trainer who assisted entertainer Dick Clark on the road to recovery, Dick was told by physicians that “whatever mobility had been recovered in his first six months was pretty much all that he could expect” (p. 21). However, when Clark’s six-month sentence was up, he remained completely disabled.

Have you been told that you only had six months, or a year or two? In this situation, what are you to do and how are you to do it, so you can participate in your own recovery?

If you answer YES to any of the following questions, perhaps it is time to join others who have used the holistic program for stroke recovery at The Summit Center for Ideal Performance.

Please ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you discouraged with your progress towards wellness?
  • Are you unclear about your goals?
  • Do you have challenges focusing on and retaining information?
  • Are you working hard in rehab and still feeling frustrated with your results?
  • Are stress and physical discomfort getting in the way of meeting your objectives?
  • Do you know you can do better but don’t know how or where to start?

You can turn the situation around and reach your performance goals. Confidence and self-esteem can be yours by following our simple program for success.

Our Program

Experience a metamorphosis by accessing the extraordinary power of your mind to promote healing and regain function.

Our holistic approach coordinates mental self-training with your physical rehab to pave the way towards wellness. Registered Nurse, Connie Stallone Adleman, (Stroke Connection, May/June, 2006), who experienced a stroke, used creative visualization, positive statements, and relaxation exercises to assist her in her recovery. You can too!

Use the same techniques that athletes use to be champions!

Work with your personal success coach and learn:

  • Goal setting for recovery
  • Focusing techniques
  • How to talk to your body
  • Positive self-talk for confidence
  • Control of physical discomfort
  • Breathing and Relaxation exercises
  • Self-hypnosis to put you in the recovery zone

Families can participate in the program.

Group sessions are available.

FREE initial phone consultation. Call NOW for a personalized program.


Additional Information

Your Mind Can Set You Free

This article appeared in Quality Times magazine. It describes the mind-body connection and the effect on human performance.